Most people in modern societies do not identify as indigenous. What does it mean to be indigenous?


    There are several definitions of "indigenous". Without wanting to take away of the indigeneity of people faced with colonization and its effects, we are following the trail that we all come from ancient cultures, and that every human being is indigenous to this planet: The Earth, the people, the land, with ancestry that holds wisdom, and as a part of the big Web of life. Yet most of us have forgotten. It is time to remember...


    This does not imply that we should all go back to living like our early ancestors. What would it look like if we reclaimed our indigenous nature wherever we are, even in cities, in office spaces, at work?

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    Focusing on the indigenous nature of women connecting to their roots as the life birthers of our species, we are embarking on the journey of discovery of what it truly means to be indigenous as a woman, and how it can inform our lives today. Our goal is to make visible in film, with accompanying other material, an essence of womanhood that, when reclaimed by women across the globe, allows a shift in consciousness that makes next culture possible.


    Next culture is Archiarchy, the culture that comes after matriarchy and patriarchy have run their course. It is a culture in which adult Women collaborate with adult Men.

    It is for Women to go first in creating such a culture. The pains of patriarchy are much more obvious to women. May we go and reclaim our indigeneity, our femininity, our connection to life in its entirety, and take the rest of the world with us.


    The Documentary is currently in the early gestation phase. We are looking for funding to develop the idea further and prepare its creation.


    Read more.


    You can join our Patreon page here: https://patreon.com/indigenouswomandocumentary



    Fundraising offers are events that help you connect with your indigenous nature, so that you connect with your unique roots, with source.




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    Coming soon: Connect with yourself 

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    Coming soon: Connect with other humans. 

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    Coming soon: Connect with the Earth and all living beings 

    If you don't want to wait, you can also pay into our funding pot to

    Julia Neumann, Wise: life@julia-neumann.com, IBAN: BE38 9672 0640 7272, NZ acct no. 38-9020-0589060-01.

  • Strong Women

    Strong Communities


    Powered by Gaia and the following individuals and gameworlds.
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    Julia Neumann

    Creatress, Main Spaceholder


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    Millicent Haughey

    Initiation Midwife, Writer


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    Possibility Management


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